Top 5 mobiles games launching in 2023: Valorant mobile, COD: Warzone Mobile, and more..
Valorant Mobile
We all know how popular Valorant is on PC and how Riot is pushing all its efforts to make it one of the top FPS games. Interestingly, Valorant will soon come to mobile for both Android and iOS. It will have similar characters, weapons, and maps. The release date is unknown but it should be out in 2023.
Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile
Call of Duty will bring Warzone to mobile. The mobile port of the game will offer a similar world and weapons. It will be a battle royale game with 120 players in a match. It will also have modes like Domination, Team Deathmatch, and others. The game is already up for pre-registration and will be released in May 2023.
Assassins Creed Jade
Although there are vague details about the upcoming mobile game by Ubisoft, we know that the game is codenamed, Jade. The game will seemingly be set in China and offer stealth and other traditional AC styles of combat. The release is expected to happen something in mid of 2023.
Rainbow Six Siege Mobile
Ubisoft will have another game for release next year, Rainbow Six Siege. The game will offer a similar experience to the PC and console versions. The pre-registration has begun and the release is expected to happen in 2023.
Battlefield Mobile
Another mobile port, this time by EA. The Battlefield mobile game is expected to launch in 2023 for Android and iOS. It is said to be a free-to-play game with modes like Rush, Deathmatch, and others. The game is already up for pre-registration.