Xiaomi Buds 4 were launched alongside the Xiaomi 13 series on Sunday. The latest truly wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds made their debut as the successors to last year's Xiaomi Buds 3, along with a few upgrades. They feature adaptive active noise cancellation (ANC) with Hi-Fi audio and pack dual magnetic drivers. The earbuds have Bluetooth v5.3 for connectivity and have LHDC 5.0 as well as Hi-Res Audio support. The Xiaomi Buds 4 have an IP54 rating for sweat and water resistance. Xiaomi claims that its new TWS earbuds can offer a total of up to 30 hours of playback time along with the charging case.
Xiaomi Buds 4 price
The newly launched Xiaomi Buds 4 are priced at CNY 699 (roughly Rs. 8,200). They are offered in Field Green, Moon Shadow and Salt Lake White colour options and are currently available for purchase in China
Details about the launch of the Xiaomi Buds 4 in global markets, including India, are yet to be announced by the company.
The Xiaomi Buds 4 earbuds have spatial audio and offer Type-C charging support. The earbuds have an IP54-rated body that is dust- and water-resistant and have an ergonomic design to ensure comfort during prolonged wearing.
The new Xiaomi Buds 4 feature Bluetooth v5.3 connectivity with a maximum operating distance of 10 meters. The earbuds are claimed to be the first earphones with support for the new LHDC 5.0 codec with a sampling rate of up to 192kHz. They also support AAC and SBC Bluetooth codecs. The earphones are also Hi-Res audio certified.
Xiaomi's new TWS earbuds are said to provide up to six hours of playback on a single charge. The earbuds are accompanied by an oval-shaped charging case and their combination is said to deliver up to 30 hours of playtime. Further, they are claimed to offer 2.5 hours of playback time with just a 10-minute charge.
There is a 35mAh battery inside each earbud and a 480mAh battery inside the charging case. The case can be charged via the bundled USB Type-C cable.
The Xiaomi Buds 4 measures 50.90x58.09x26.98mm with the case. The earbuds measure 18.62x30.68x 19.70mm. Each earbud weighs 4.4 grams and the earbuds combined with their charging case weigh 37.65 grams.